Black Pepper and Clove can boost your immunity


Black pepper and clove tea, also known as kadha, is one of the greatest drinks in India, with several health advantages. In this pandemic circumstance, the Indian Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy (AYUSH) recommends drinking this drink on a daily basis. However, for centuries, this kadha mixture has been utilized quite well to treat a variety of diseases. This COVID-19 pandemic showed us that organically strengthening your immune system is far more vital than looking for various drugs and injections. People are going back to their origins and incorporating more natural components into their diets.

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Whole Foods that are better for workout recovery than supplements

Assuming that you’re into working out or demanding tasks like significant distance trekking or trail running, you probably experience intermittent activity-induced muscle touchiness.

Not exclusively can muscle injury be irritating, however, it might likewise influence your exercises and everyday exercises. Luckily, numerous recovery procedures can assist with diminishing muscle tear, limit workout-actuated muscle injury, and speed muscle recovery.

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What is Dieting? 

If you think that dieting is all about, “When will I get the desired result?” or “Mujhe result kab mileage?”, then trust me on this, you have failed in the first instance! Initially, you need to understand that dieting is not all about the food you eat or cutting off carbs and fats from your diet. Dieting means consistency and discipline. 

Have you ever heard of the example that, when pulling out the water from the well with the help of a rope? The rope that is rubbed back and forth on the rock has the capacity to create slits in the rock. This is the power of consistency. The rope is soft as compared to the rock, but with persistent effort and patience, it can break the rock. And this is what you need to understand in terms of your dieting as well. And this is what the entire guide is all about 

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Vitamin D and Joint Pain: Is there any connection?

The human body needs a wide range of nutrients to ensure effective functioning. Every nutrient has a specific role that ensures the smooth working of the body. The nutrients that the human body needs are fiber, vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, etc. All these nutrients work together to help keep up with human health. One such essential nutrient is Vitamin D, which is popular among the talks when it comes to bone health.

Human bones mainly comprise calcium and other minerals like phosphorus and potassium. Vitamin D plays a major role in regulating the use and absorption of calcium and phosphorus. And hence it’s crucial for bone and teeth formation and regulating their health. Besides, Vitamin D is often related to joint pain.

For instance, can Vitamin D supplements help relieve joint pain? Or can Vitamin D deficiency affect the condition of joint pain? In this article, we will try to discuss the link between Vitamin D and Joint pain. Let’s start with the use of Vitamin D in the human body.

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Want to know what foods can help you build lean muscle?

Our body is flexible with different environments and adjusts accordingly. For instance, if you wish to gain healthy and lean muscle, you need to adjust your body accordingly by supplying all the essential nutrients. To gain lean muscle you need to allow your body to adapt to physical activities and healthy nutrients.

To help the body adapt to physical activities, you must challenge your body to toil hard. It further adds to building strong muscles. Besides, to ensure a supply of nutritional content in the body, you must intake high-protein foods. Protein is essential for muscle building, although carbohydrates and fats don’t do much to help. And thus, it is crucial to plan your diet and ensure high protein and low carbs and fat intake.

The underlying guide is all about the foods that can help you gain lean muscles. However, diet alone won’t help. You will have to focus on regular exercise and burning excess calories in your body as well. Here are the top foods that can help you gain healthy lean muscles faster.

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Ways To Boost Metabolism After 30

As metabolism depends on age, height, activity level, and weight, it helps evaluate the number of calories you intake and the number of calories burned during exercising or eating. So, by the time you reach your 30, maintaining or losing weight becomes harder because the rate of metabolism goes slow. It is the reason behind the accumulation of fat and increase in weight.

Therefore, here are various ways to boost your metabolism after the age of 30:

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How to Calculate your protein needs?

The human body needs nutrients to ensure stable and healthy working. Most of these nutrients are often processed in your body through different functions or delivered from the food you eat. The food you eat gives you proteins, vitamins, minerals, and numerous other constituents to help stabilize the workings of the body. Out of all these nutrients, proteins have always been one of the hottest topics of all. Protein is one of the most essential nutrients as it has a wide range of uses and advantages for the body.

But, often the question of what is the right amount of daily protein intake confuses a wide range of populations. The underlying guide will discuss the eccentricities of protein intake and its daily needs. So, without further ado, let’s get started with understanding what protein is and its benefits.

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Role of Minerals in Your Body!

A balanced human diet must contain all the essential nutrients that a human body needs. A human body performs different complex functions and needs essential elements to fulfill the need. Minerals are among such essential nutrients that support body processes. These minerals can be obtained from the daily diet and food you consume. These foods can be plant or animal-based and contain everything important that you need. Although, there are only a few foods that contain all the essential minerals.

There are two types of minerals, i.e. Macro minerals, and micro minerals. Both types of minerals support a wide variety of bodily functions ranging from maintaining bones and teeth to retaining the proper functioning of muscles, brain, and heart. The following guide is all about minerals and their role in the human body.

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Casein Vs Whey Protein


Everyone today is looking for a way to create lean muscle and a healthy physique. And the best way to get these desirable results is to enrich the body with proteins. Proteins are an inseparable part of the human diet. Although, many times we don’t get enough protein from food to build the desired lean muscle. And therefore, protein supplements are in demand. 

Proteins are perfect to help you strengthen your muscles, bones, and overall physique. Although, the question is what protein can help you get amazing results. Numerous types of protein supplements are available in the market with a huge assortment of their base extraction. Besides, the two types of proteins have been popular over a huge stretch of time i.e. Casein and Whey. 

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All about L-Carnitine

The human body is a composition of different compounds that have numerous functions. These compounds are naturally present in the body and need proper nutrition to maintain their healthy levels. Carnitine is a supplement derived from amino acids that are present in all the cells of the body. Although, it’s important to consume a proper diet to retain healthy levels and avoid any mishap. The underlying article describes all the eccentricities of L-Carnitine, an essential amino acid with tremendous benefits! 

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